Trends in Rebranding: Fear is Fading
Rebranding is an enterprise-wide strategic growth accelerator. The trends we see in rebranding are focused on simplification and transparency.
1. Fear is Fading
Organizations have overcome the fear of rebranding and are embracing its advantages. The number of rebrandings increases each year.
2. “Rebranding” Still Misrepresented
Changing your logo is a brand refresh.
Marketing to new customers is a repositioning.
Changing your name, logo, customer promise and all marketing is a rebrand. Don’t confuse the three.
3. Simplified Names
In a social media driven world, companies are simplifying their names, dropping unnecessary descriptive words and sometimes vowels.
4. App Tile Logos
Likewise, companies are increasingly creating badgelike logos that make good smart device tiles.
5. Untraditional Approaches
Breaking the barriers, some companies are transparent in the process. Others are engaging key stakeholders and crowd sourcing to determine their brand look.
6. Embracing Change Management
Change management is needed to engage and align internal departments behind a new customer experience.